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Brysen Daughton

Holy cow, I hated that part on leaders and ignorance. It reflected so much of what I hate about the current administration. I wasn't even listening to that podcast... In my opinion that point made me think much less of the paper as a whole. I do agree that learning is a very important part of leading, though the want to learn is necessary if we are going to elect ignorant leaders.

Max Margolin

I too found that this section of the article was interesting, but did not find it as striking as you and Brysen did. I think there is some truth to the claims of ignorance in certain leaders, but this is not an overarching attribute that all leaders have. I kind of think of this type of approach to a problem is similar to the way that children look at issues. Instead of harping on the negative aspect of ignorance, I think that it can be looked at as coming at a problem with a new perspective. When children look at a problem, they are sometimes capable of finding new solutions that experts were unable to fine because of their extensive engagement with the issue. I think that the ignorance of systems leaders can be seen in a good light.

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