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Gabby Makatura

I love the upbeat flow of your post. It made me feel as though we are simply right around the corner from all companies following these sustainability practices!

On a less upbeat note, I often find myself wondering if we are only under the impression this huge change is taking place because we are in the infamous Boulder bubble. I just recently visited my small Kansas college town to find that they are way less sustainable than I remember. There is essentially no strict environmental action going on (aside from farmers) and that makes me wonder just how many places there are like that in the US. This thought does not really bum me out, but instead excites me because it means there is tons of work for us to do! Some of us just need to go work with these environmental pricing organizations in places that aren't Boulder CO.

Also, I did not know that DOW and the TNC have been collaborating. That's definitely something that I am going to go learn more about.

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