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Gabby Makatura

I completely agree with your post. What I have been slowly learning in the last few months is that people are sick of hearing about climate change, especially if they aren't completely on board with it. We need to start re-framing it, and just like you mentioned, offer it in an understandable way. This week I watched Damnation and Watershed and I think both of those documentaries delivered scientific information in a way that was both interesting and understandable. I also think by delivering their information in this visual and intriguing way they were probably able to reach audiences who would not normally seek out something like this!

Alec Brazeau

I also agree with your post. I think that coproduction is a great way to get buy-in on scientific knowledge, however we have to be careful with it. More participants can lead to more bias. On top of that, I fear that the coproduction of scientific knowledge may seem like scientists are coddling and hand-holding decision makers through a complicated process. The last thing that scientists need is to seem like they are patronizing decision makers, and I fear that the coproduction of scientific knowledge may create that dynamic if it becomes a regular practice.

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