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Gabby Makatura

During my time working for AmeriCorps I had to approach my work in a similar way to the suggestions made by Patitsas. I was tasked to find a way to get AmeriCorp volunteers more involved, but was given no further information really. We had not determined what was currently working best, where the problems were, and what the volunteers wanted. Not until we solved the problem did I fully understand what we were even attempting to solve: finding a way to create a more inclusive, welcoming, and connected community of AmeriCorps volunteers. That problem had many of the steps and indicators described in the article, mostly: this was a one shot operation, there was no wrong or right answer, and at the time there seemed to be no given alternative.

Even though this example does not fit perfectly I can absolutely see using these tactics in the future for those problems we approach as new employees that just make us sit down and say curse words.

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